Gonzo In The Morning: Las Vegas 2006

On February 20, 2006 I hit the air for the first time in Las Vegas. To celebrate the 17th Anniversary of “Gonzo In The Morning“, please enjoy this “best-of” compilation podcast.

As it turns out, the Vegas show began on the anniversary of the passing of one of my heroes, Hunter S. Thompson, who had taken his own life exactly one year before. As the father of “gonzo journalism”, he’s the reason for my radio surname, which I chose hastily when I cracked the mic for the first time about twenty years before that in Los Angeles at KNAC.

It was the first time since my time in Philadelphia that the show wasn’t called “The Big Dumb Show”. The alleged “logic” was to simplify the branding, and focus on “Gonzo”. Which I suppose was somewhat successful, given that GITM went on to win two consecutive “Best Radio Personality” Reader’s Choice Awards from the Las Vegas Weekly, and our station, Area 108 won “Best Radio Station.”